Results of Proficiency Testing Program



Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in water

Chemical Properties in organic-Fertilizer

Heavy metals (As,Cd,Cr,Cu,Fe,Mn,Ni,Pb,Se and Zn) in water

Hydrochloric acid (HCL) and Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)

Minerals (Ca,Cu,Fe,Mg,Mn,K,NaZn and P) in Feeding stuffs

Soil Chemical Properties

Total Dissplved Solids (TDS) in water

Total hardness (as CaCO3) and Chlorides (as CL) in water

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) in water

Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in water

Total Haerdness (as CaCo3)

Heavy Metals in water

Standard solution HCl , EDTA

Heavy Metals in Feeding StufFs

Aerobic plate count in starch

Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in water

Total Dissolved solids (TDS) in water

Agricultural Chemistry Group , Agricultural Production Sciences Research and Division Department of Agriculture

Agricultural Chemistry Group , Agricultural Production Sciences Research and Division Department of Agriculture

Ministry of Higher Education,Science,Reserch and Innovation,pH-value,Total nitrogen and Salt (as NaCl) in Fish sauce

Ministry of Higher Education,Science,Reserch and Innovation, Moisture,Protein,Crude fat,Crude fiber and Ash in Feeding stuffs

Aerobic Plate Count in Starch

COD in Water

Heavy metal in Water

pH in Water

Phosphorus as P2O5 in Chemical fertilizer

TDS in water

TKN in water

Total Hardness in Water

Trace Element in Chemical Fertilizer

TSS in Water

Heavy Maetal in Feeding Stuffs

Heavy Metal in Water

Oil & Grease in Water

pH Value in water

Standard Solution HCl & EDTA

Total Hardness in Water

Total Dissolved Solids in Water

Total Suspended Solids in Water

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) in water

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in water (pilot study)

Heavy metals (Cd,Cr,Ni and Pb) in soil (pilot study)

Metals (As,Cd,Cu,Fe,Pb and Zn) in Beverage (pilot study)

Moisture , Protein , Crude fat , Crude fiber and Ash in Feeding stuffs

pH-value , Benzoic acid and Sorbic acid in Beverage (2)